About Us – Liftrock
(866) 660-0149
Emissions mitigated from atmosphere to date: Methane 496,131.28 (V) MMSCFD, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC's) 6,753.71 Tons, Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAP's) 98.55 Tons, Captured Gas Value $2,216,620.95

About Us

Liftrock™ Integrated Lift Services has the know-how to handle your gas lift compression needs, and the experience to deliver the right artificial lift solutions for every well.

We offer the industry’s only scalable, unitized, skid-mounted gas compression system for artificial lift.  We also provide automated, turnkey gas lift compression solutions, including design, installation, and commissioning of systems.

The people at Liftrock are experts in all phases of gas lift compression systems to support your operations, providing industry-leading experience and a customer-first “get it done” attitude.

Optimizing Operations

Liftrock™ Integrated Lift Services is committed to helping customers optimize their operations by delivering the right solutions, on-budget and on-time, and through continuing innovation that provides improved performance.

B.J. Ellis


B.J. Ellis, a 20+ year veteran of the natural gas compression industry, is President of Liftrock Integrated Lift Services. B.J. has also worked as a senior strategic account manager at Valerus Compression Services, as compression and transportation operations manager for Quicksilver Resources, and as the lead field service technician for both Hanover and Universal Compression. One of the most respected authorities in the gas lift compression industry, B.J. is the inventor of the advanced QuickSet™ skid-mounted gas compression system.

Being involved in gas lift operations for decades, BJ was acutely aware of the time and money that was involved in building a gas lift facility. He also understood the various issues that caused the shutdown of a gas lift system. Ellis initially designed QuickSet to reduce gas lift facility construction time, with piping requirements cut by more than 90%. He also envisioned QuickSet to deliver more reliable operation, since the unit was manufactured in a controlled environment, instead of being constructed on site.

Realizing that the QuickSet held the answer to eliminating the gas-lift related methane emissions that had become a serious problem for operators, Ellis and Liftrock began to more aggressively promote the fact that not only is QuickSet easier to install and more reliable to operate, but it also features a “closed-loop design that eliminates methane emissions from gas lift operations. This feature has become a key reason behind the enormous success of the QuickSet skid.

David Stone

Sales Manager

A key contributor to the success of the QuickSet™ skid, David Stone has more than 15 years of experience in natural gas compression. Prior to joining Liftrock in 2016, David served as a Senior Account Manager at Compressor Systems Inc., where he led a results-oriented team in meeting a number of customer’s compression requirements.  A hands-on compression expert, David has also successfully managed the completion of a number of compressor installations, primarily in the Permian Basin.

David is a leader in the gas compression industry, having served as President for the Natural Gas Society and Natural Gas Producers Association, in addition to serving on several other industry association boards.  He holds a Master’s Degree of Science from Angelo State University.